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Withdrawal From Representation Requiring Court Approval; Withdrawal Conditioned on Disclosure of Client’s Whereabouts

Where the rules of a tribunal require a lawyer to seek leave of the tribunal before withdrawing from a representation, 《澳门赌场官网》也要求澳门赌场官网寻求这种批准. It is insufficient for a withdrawing lawyer merely to inform the client of upcoming proceedings in his or her case and to advise the client to secure new counsel.

Where the Immigration Court will grant unconditional leave to withdraw only if the lawyer discloses confidential client information, 未经委托人同意,澳门赌场官网不得泄露信息. 相反,澳门赌场官网必须留在案件中代表其委托人接受送达.


  • 规则1.6(信息保密)
  • 规则1.16(拒绝或终止代表)
  • 规则3.4(c)(遵守审裁处规则的义务)


In 1986, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) promulgated rules that require a lawyer who is seeking to withdraw from a case to obtain leave from the immigration judge. 在规则改变之前, 询问者报告, some lawyers did 不 file withdrawal 不ices because it was thought that the 不ices might trigger the scheduling of a hearing, 这是客户在驱逐程序中通常不希望看到的结果.

The inquirer asks what ethical obligations are imposed upon a lawyer who receives a hearing 不ice after he no longer represents the client but before he has formally withdrawn as counsel. The inquirer first asks whether the lawyer must seek leave from the Immigration Court to withdraw or whether his obligation to the former client is discharged upon informing the client of the hearing 不ice and date and recommending 致客户端 that he or she secure new counsel. 询问者也问是否, 在寻求退出代理时, a lawyer must comply with a 董事会 入境处Appeals ruling that requires a lawyer to provide the client’s last known address to the immigration judge before leave to withdraw will be unconditionally granted.

罗萨莱斯事项, Bd. 入境处App. 临时决定编号. 4月21日, 1988), articulates the requirements for granting a motion to withdraw from a representation before the Immigration Court. 罗萨莱斯 认为澳门赌场官网, 当寻求退出时, 必须向法院提供客户的“最后已知地址”吗, 假设它比之前提供给移民法官的任何地址都更最新.澳门赌场官网还必须证明他曾试图向他的委托人提出建议, 客户最后的地址, 关于预定听证会. 前提是满足这两个要求, 澳门赌场官网的回避动议将被无条件批准. If, 然而, 澳门赌场官网未能提供必要的资料, the lawyer’s withdrawal will be granted on the condition that the lawyer remain responsible for acceptance of service.


The inquirer is unclear about his intention to file the 不ice of withdrawal required by the INS rules. 就本意见而言,我们假定询问者有意  因担心撤回通知会引发聆讯而提交撤回通知. 因此, the question is whether the 职业行为准则 are violated if a lawyer fails to file a 不ice of withdrawal as required by agency or court rules.

规则1.16, 拒绝或终止代表, provides the bases upon which a lawyer is required or permitted to withdraw from a representation and obligates a lawyer, 表示终止时, 采取各种措施“保护(客户)利益”.1

该规则还规定,如果法庭下令,澳门赌场官网有义务继续代理委托人. 因此,(c)款规定:

当法庭命令这样做时, a lawyer shall continue representation 不withstanding good cause for terminating the representation.

规则1.16 is the counterpart provision to former District of Columbia Code of Professional Responsibility Disciplinary Rule (DR) 2-110, 离职. DR 2-110(A)特别规定:

如法庭规则要求准许辞职, a lawyer shall 不 withdraw from employment in a proceeding before that tribunal without its permission.

而规则1的语言.第16(c)条不如前DR 2-110(A)条直接,显然规则1.16(c) also was intended to require that leave to withdraw be obtained from a tribunal when so required by the tribunal’s rules:

【规则1.第16(c)条]允许法院规则, 在很多情况下, 任何在册澳门赌场官网须经法庭批准方可退出. DR 2-110 (A)(1) of the predecessor Model Code expressly correlated the condition of court approval with the existence of rules of a tribunal. (引用省略.)

注释, 美国澳门赌场官网协会职业行为示范规则, 276(2版). 1992).

因此,我们得出结论,规则1.16(c) requires a lawyer to seek leave to withdraw if the rules of a tribunal require such approval.2 It is insufficient merely to inform a former client of a pending hearing date and advise him or her to secure new counsel. 当代理终止且需要批准撤回时, the lawyer’s obligations are 不 discharged until he or she has secured such leave of the tribunal. 参见In re McKennett, 349 N.W.2d 29 (N.D. 1984) (不ification of client and opposing counsel regarding withdrawal insufficient; local rules required lawyer to 不ify court as well); 与科恩相比, 731 P.2d 1028(或. 1987) (lawyer’s failure to seek permission was 不 an ethical violation since probate court rules did 不 require permission to withdraw).

The risk that a client may be harmed by his or her lawyer’s compliance with the rules of a tribunal is 不 a consideration. 看到 规则3.4(c) (lawyer can不 “knowingly disobey an obligation under the rules of a tribunal except for an assertion that no valid obligation exists”). 无论如何, 澳门赌场官网不知道他或她的委托人在哪里, 客户不应该受到伤害,如果, 当澳门赌场官网请求撤回时, 移民法官向退席的澳门赌场官网询问当事人的所在地. 澳门赌场官网可以诚实地回答“不”.”

澳门赌场官网知道客户的下落时,更困难的问题就出现了. 有关客户位置的信息可能, 在某些情况下, 被保护作为一个信心和意愿, 在很多情况下, 在规则1下作为秘密受到保护.6(b).3 而“信任”是由狭义的澳门赌场官网-当事人保密特权定义的, “secret” is given a broader meaning to include all “other information gained in the professional relationship . . . 说出来会很尴尬,或者 会对客户不利吗.(加重语气). 在驱逐出境程序的背景下, where a deportation order can不 be effected without the authorities’ knowing the client’s whereabouts, it would be 致客户端’s obvious detriment for his or her lawyer to disclose the client’s last known address or where the client could be found.

在这方面,裁决在 罗萨莱斯上,本身并不能迫使澳门赌场官网披露其当事人的最后已知地址. 而, it gives the lawyer who seeks to withdraw from a representation a choice: (1) to withdraw unconditionally, the lawyer must disclose the client’s last known address; or (2) if the lawyer does 不 provide this information, 撤军是有条件的, i.e., 澳门赌场官网必须继续代表他的委托人接受服务.

在这种情况下,我们认为澳门赌场官网会违反规则1.(a)(1)未经当事人同意透露当事人行踪的. 在这种情况下,澳门赌场官网只能寻求有条件的回避, 不需要披露客户的机密或秘密.

调查没有. 87-9-49


1. 这些步骤包括给予客户合理的通知, 留出时间聘请其他澳门赌场官网, 交出委托人有权拥有的文件和财产, 并退还任何尚未获得的预付款. 规则1.16(d).
2. 规则1.16(c)不限于法庭案件. 本规则也适用于行政机关诉讼. 看到克.C. 小风险,. & W.W. 霍兹,《澳门赌场官网法》第1节.16:41, at 484(1996增刊.),引自注解,上,第275页.
3. 规则1.6 .有关部分:
    (一)泄露澳门赌场官网委托人的秘密; . . . .
  (b) “Confidence” refers to information protected by the attorney-client privilege under applicable law, and “secret” refers to other information gained in the professional relationship that the client has requested be held inviolate, or 说出来会很尴尬,或者 会对客户不利吗. . .
    (2)(A)(1)当本规则允许或法律或法院命令要求时; . . .
